Monday, February 18, 2008

The Gift


I've created this site to document a gift I've prepared for our 10th Wedding Anniversary. I've been working on this gift for several least back to 2004. That is the earliest date I can find in my materials, but I know I've been thinking of it for quite a while before that.

Here is the gist of the gift. All around the United States, there are organizations (charitable orgs, churches, companies, etc) that create a special type of fund drive. In an effort to raise money, they "sell" bricks. It is really a smart campaign. The brick costs them approximately $15-$20 and they resell them for $75-$200. The organization then gets a profit to use for whatever they created the fund drive for, plus they get lots of bricks as well for a nice walkway or "donor wall" or something like that. In many cases, the donor gets a tax deduction for their gift, plus they get to inscribe some text into the brick to honor a person or an event. The bricks usually last a lifetime, and it becomes something that many people will walk by and view. So it is a neat idea for the donor as well.

So what have I done? Well, I thought this would be an excellent way to commemorate our anniversary. I would buy a brick for each year that we have been married. Not only that, but I would find organizations that were selling bricks in a place that had special meaning to us. For example, some are from places that we went on vacation, others are from places that held special meaning to us, some from places we grew up, etc. So what this means is we have 10 bricks, which are in special spots all over the country, which should stay there forever.

To make this gift even more memorable and lasting, I've created an entry on this site for each brick/anniversary. I've included details about what the organization is that I've donated to, what the fund drive is about, and if there are any special stories that happened as I purchased the brick. What I'd like to do is visit each of these bricks with you again and take photos that we can post on this site as well. Hopefully, I've created a new tradition for us. Hopefully, in 30 more years we will be able to show and tell our grandchildren and great-grandchildren about each of the spots that were important to us and reminisce about "the good ole days".

I love you, Juli. In a culture that puts nearly no value on marriage, we've beat the statistics and made it 10 years. I'm looking forward to the next 10 years and I can't wait to have new and exciting places for me to find bricks to buy.

Happy Anniversary! I hope you like your gift!



ps - Here is an overview of where the brick are. A=Wedding Brick, B=1st Anniversary, and so on.

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